Intelligent Technology. Connected Care.
Our visit delivery platform seamlessly integrates our community site network with real-time, validated, and transparent data for all clinical trials we support.

Intelligent Technology. Connected Care.
Our visit delivery platform seamlessly integrates our community site network with real-time, validated, and transparent data for all clinical trials we support.
A powerful, comprehensive library of assessments
Assessments are at the core of our platform. They can be universally applied but also customized for specific study and sponsor needs, then easily assembled into a Table of Assessments.

An extensible view of each assessment
An assessment in our platform defines visit details, data capture forms, logistics needs, and training requirements. This holistic view allows for fully orchestrated trials in a four-step process.

Step 1: Selecting assessments
Select the assessments from the library that will be used on the trial. An assessment in the Hawthorne cloud defines orchestration details, data capture forms, supplies, trainings, and more.

Step 2: Creating timepoints
Create individual timepoints by associating assessments, defining the default assignment, and setting windows for completion.

Step 3: Associating assessments
Associate each assessment with the appropriate clinical role. In this example, a Hero 1 is a Nurse Practitioner performing a battery of functional assessments and lab draws, while the Hero 2 is an Echosonographer.

Step 4: Setting clinical interaction details
Finally, set payment and travel details for all clinical interactions. You now have a powerful study execution engine.

Efficient Visit Matching, Scheduling, and Orchestration
- Robust clinician qualification and onboarding
- Industry-leading GCP and study-specific training
- Detailed, study-level clinician profile requirements
- Automated scheduling and event reporting
- Streamlined visit logistics
- Real-time delegation of authority records

Universal Enrollment
- Recruiting campaign management
- Streamlined patient enrollment and screening
- eConsent and ePRO integration
- Real-time recruiting and enrollment tracking

Adaptive Assessment
Enables comprehensive screenings and longitudinal follow-up, increasing a patient’s ability to fully and thoroughly participate. Hawthorne Heroes can administer a range of highly complex in-home assessments and optimize responsiveness to protocol demands.
- Visit scheduling and orchestration
- Device integration, including wearables, EKG, Echo, etc.
- Equipment logistics
- Multi-model assessments: in-home, brick-and-mortar sites, telehealth

Verified, Real-Time Data Reporting
- Virtual site management
- Part 11-compliant eSource
- Real-time data verification and query management
- Seamless data integration